Together, we can make a difference.
Our Mission
Our mission is bring joy and education to underserved children in Africa and around the world
By giving children school supplies, toys, and soccer balls, we can increase educational inclusion and spread joy to children.
Together, we can create hope and inspire children to reach their maximum potential.

In a world where there are many things we cannot change, we found something we can.
Send a toy and create joy
At Suitcase of Joy, we put smiles on children’s faces and place educational materials and toys in their hands.
We deliver school supplies, books, toys, sport equipment, and other items to disenfranchised children in villages, slums, and orphanages around the world.
Join us and make a difference.
Watch the joy shared when Suitcase of Joy surprised children in Africa with toys, books, and soccer balls.
Your dollar matters
At Suitcase of Joy, we believe in transparency, because you deserve to know exactly where your donations go.
We use 100% of every donation to purchase school supplies, books, toys, and other essentials for disadvantaged children.
We purchase these gifts in the countries we visit, whenever possible, to support local businesses too.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower children to obtain an education, to break the cycle of poverty, and to lead joyful lives
We believe every child should have the opportunity to obtain an education.
To achieve our vision, we have three goals:
Spread joy and create hope for disenfranchised children
Increase educational inclusion
Build schools in Africa
Our History
Suitcase of Joy started with one girl's dream to take gifts to children who needed them the most. She started with two suitcases of toys, books, clothing, and soccer balls that she gave to children in remote villages and slums in Africa.
The joy spread was contagious, and thus an idea was born to change the world—one suitcase and one child at a time.
Our Impact
To date, we have traveled to four countries—Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mexico—to support hundreds of children and their families. We have established partners in Uganda, Kenya, and Nigeria to expand our impact, even when we cannot travel.
We have exciting plans for 2023 to expand our impact. Click below to learn how you can make difference.
Ways to get involved
There are several ways that you can support Suitcase of Joy. You can donate (money and/or physical goods), volunteer, or even travel with us.
Click below to learn how you can make a difference.
Joy is contagious.
Join us and make a child’s life a little brighter.